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미국 The Scripps Research Institute 관절염연구소 연수
학회활동 및
대한 내과학회 정회원
대한 류마티스학회 정회원
대한베체트병학회 정회원
대한류마티스학회 홍보위원
대한류마티스학회 보험위원
연구 1. Won SY, Sung YK, Cho SK, Choi CB, Koh EM, Kim SK, Kim JS, Kim TH, Kim HA, Nah SS, Bang SY, Suh CH, Shim SC, Yoo DH, Yoon BS, Lee SH, Lee SW, Lee SS, Lee YA, Lee JJ, Lee JS, Lee HS,
Lim MK, Jun JB, Jeon CH, Jung YO, Chung WT, Cha HS, Choe JY, Hong SJ, Bae SC. Prediction for TNF Inhibitor Users in RA Patients According to Reimbursement Criteria based on DAS28. Journal of Rheumatic Disease. 2014; 21: 64-73.
2. Kim YJ, Byon CK, Kim ES, Kim HJ, Jeong IH, An WS, Lee SY, Lee SW, Chung WT. A Case of Condyloma Acuminata in a Virgin Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patient. Journal of Rheumatic Disease. 2014; 21: 87-90.
3. Factors Influencing the Performance of Self-care in Gout Patients. Kang SG, Lee EN, Lee SW. Journal of Muscle and Joint Health. 2014; 21: 55-64.
4. Lee SY, Lee SW, Chung WT. Severe inflammation may be caused by hyperferritinemia of pseudo-pseudo Meigs` syndrome in lupus patients: two cases reports and a literature review. Clin Rheumatol. 2013; 32: 1823-1826.
5. Kim KH, Park SM, Kim BS, Han SH, Lee SY, Chung WT, Lee SW (Corresponding author). A Case of Sjögren`s Syndrome Associated with Neuromyelitis Optica. Journal of Rheumatic Disease. 2013; 20: 319-322.
6. Lee SW. The Efficacy and Safety of Febuxostat in Korean Patients with Gout. Journal of Rheumatic Disease. 2013; 20: 277-279.
7. Park SY, Lee SW, LEE WS, Rhim BY, Lee SJ, Kwon SM, Hong KW, Kim CD. RhoA/ROCK-dependent pathway is required for TLR2-mediated IL-23 production in human synovial macrophages: Suppression by cilostazol. Biochemica Pharmacology. 2013; 86(9): 1320-1327.
8. Park IC, Baek YH, Han SY, Lee SW, Chung WT, Lee SW, Kang SH, Cho DS. Simultaneous intrahepatic and subgaleal hemorrhage in antiphospholipid syndrome following anticoagulation therapy. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2013; 19(38): 6494-6499.
9. Park SY, Lee SW, Baek SH, Lee CW, Lee WS, Rhim BY, Hong KW, Kim CD. Suppression of PU.1-linked TLR4 expression by cilostazol with decrease of cytokine production in macrophages from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2013; 168: 1401-1411.
10. Lee SY, Lee SW, Chung WT. Jejunal vasculitis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: case report and literature review. Modern Rheumatology. 2012; 22: 924-927.
11. Lee SY, Chung WT, Jung WJ, Lee SW (Corresponding author). Retrospective study on the effects of immunosuppressive therapy in uveitis associated with rheumatic diseases in Korea. Rheumatology International. 2012; 32:3903-3908.
12. Kim HY, Lee SW, Park SY, Baek SH, Lee CW, Hong KW, Kim CD. Efficacy of concurrent administration of cilostazol and methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis: Pharmacologic and clinical significance. Life Sciences. 2012; 91: 250-257.
13. Cho SK, Sung YK, Lee SW, et.al. Do Patients with Elderly-Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis Have Severe Functional Disability? Seminars in Arthritis Rheumatism. 2012; 42: 23-31.
14. Sung YK, Cho SK, Lee SW, et.al. Korean Observational Study Network for Arthritis (KORONA): Establishment of a Prospective Multicenter Cohort for Rheumatoid Arthritis in South Korea. Seminars in Arthritis Rheumatism. 2012; 41: 745-751.
15. Lee SW. Physical Examination of Arthritis. Korean Journal of Medicine. 2012; 83: 162-173.
16. Jung JK, Kim YJ, Byon CK, Lee SY, Lee SW, Chung WT. A case of adult onset still’s disease with hemolytic anemia. Journal of Rheumatic Disease. 2012; 19: 104-107.
17. Kim KH, Kim BR, Kim JE, Woo KS, Han JY, Kim JM, Lee SW, Chung WT. Correlation between enzyme immunoassay and indirect immunofluorescence test for high titer of anti-ribosomal-P antibodies. Clinica Chimica Acta. 2012; 413: 650-652.
18. Lee SY, Jo YM, Kim SH, Kim SY, Chung WT, Rho MS, Lee SW (Corresponding author). Disseminated cutaneous and visceral Kaposi sarcoma in a woman with rheumatoid arthritis receiving leflunomide. Rheumatology International. 2012; 32:1065-1068.
19. Kim KH, Lee SW, Chung WT, Kim BG, Woo KS, Han JY, Kim JM. Serial Interferon-gamma Release Assays for the Diagnosis of Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Patients Treated with Immunosuppressive Agents. Korean Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2011; 31: 271-278.
20. Lee SW, Song YS, Lee SY, Yoon YG, Lee SH, Park BS, Yun I, Choi H, Kim K, Chung WT, Yoo YH. Downregulation of PKCK2 activity facilitates TNF-alpha-mediated chondrocyte death through apoptosis and autophagy. PLoS One. 2011;6(4):e19613.
21. Chung WT, Choe JY, Jang WC, Park SM, Ahn YC, Yoon IK, Kim TH, Nam YH, Park SH, Lee SW, Kim SK. Polymorphisms of tumor necrosis factor-a promoter region for susceptibility to HLA-B27-positive ankylosing spondylitis in Korean population. Rheumatology International. 2011; 31(9): 1167-1175.
22. Park SY, Lee SW, Back SH, Lee SJ, Lee WS, Rhim BY, Hong KW, Kim CD. Induction of heme oxygenase-1 expression by cilostazol contributes to its anti-inflammatory effects in J774 murine macrophages. Immunology Letters. 2011;136: 138-145.
23. Choe JY, Chung WT, Lee SW, Lee SS, Choi CB, Park SH, Kim SK. Regional distinction for the clinical severity of Behçet’s disease in Korea: four university-based medical centre studies. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. 2010; 28(Suppl 60): S20-S26.
24. Kim SK, Choe JY, Park SH, Lee SW, Lee GH, Chung WT. Increased Insulin Resistance and Serum Resistin in Korean Patients with Behcet’s Disease. Archives of Medical Research 2010; 41: 269-274
25. Jo YM, Jung JK, Kim YJ, Lee SY, Lee SW, Chung WT. A case of rituximab treatment for interstitial lung disease in a patient with antisynthetase syndrome. The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association. 2010; 17(4): 448-453.
26. Park SY, Lee SW, Shin HK, Chung WT, Lee WS, Rhim BY, Hong KW, Kim CD. Cilostazol enhances apoptosis of synovial cells from rheumatoid arthritis patients with inhibition of cytokine formation via Nrf2-HO-1 induction. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 2010; 62(3): 732-741.
27. Lee SW, Lee SY, Kim KN, Jung JK, Chung WT. Adalimumab treatment for life threatening pulmonary artery aneurysm in Behçet disease: A Case Report. Clinical Rheumatology. 2010; 29:91-93.
28. Kim SO, Hsing CT, Han JS, Kim BG, Kim HY, Chung WT, Lee SW (Corresponding author). A case of PFAPA(periodic fever, aphthous ulcers, pharyngitis, cervical adenitis) syndrome in adult . Korean Journal of Medicine. 2009;77(5S):S1332-S1336.
29. Kim HI, Baek HK, Jung JK, Jo YM, Lee SY, Lee SW, Chung WT. Prognostic Factors Affecting Survival Rate in Inflammatory Myositis. The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association. 2009; 16(2): 108-114.
30. Kim KE, Kim KH, Woo KS, Han JY, Kim JM, Lee SW, Chung WT. Diagnostic Utility of AxSYM Anti-Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibody Assay. The Korean Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2008; 28(6): 457-464.
31. Lee SY, Jo YM, Kim MS, Kim HI, Lee SW (Corresponding author), Chung WT. A case of pneumomediastinum in the course of treatment in lupus myocarditis. The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association. 2008; 15(4): 322-327.
32. Lee SW, Song YS, Shin SH, Kim KT, Park YC, Park BS, Yun I, Kim KH, Lee SY, Chung WT, Lee HJ, Yoo YH. Cilostazol Protects Rat Chondrocytes Against Nitric Oxide–Induced Apoptosis In Vitro and Prevents Cartilage Destruction in a Rat Model of Osteoarthritis. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 2008; 58(3): 790-800.
33. Lee SW, Lee HJ, Moon BJ, Choi SM, Kim DK, Kim IR, Choi WC, Park BS. A Purified Extract from Clematis mandshurica Prevents Adenoviral-TRAIL Induced Apoptosis on Rat Articular Chondrocytes. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 2008; 36(2): 399-410.
34. Hong HJ, Lee SY, Kim HI, Hwang JY, Jo YM, Ryu HC, Lee SW, Chung WT, Kim DC. A Case of Maxillary Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Induced to Headache in Behçet’s Disease. The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association. 2008; 15(1): 63-69.
35. Lee SY, Koo JM, Yoo HS, Kim YH, Kim JW, Lee JH, Hong HJ, Kim HI, Park SK, Lee SW (Corresponding author), Chung WT, Yoo YH, Huh GY. The expression of TRAIL and its receptors in human osteoarthritic cartilages. Korean Journal of Medicine. 2008; 74(3): 296-304.
36. Kim KH, Han JY, Kim JM, Lee SW, Chung WT. Clinical significance of ELISA positive and immunofluorescence negative anti-dsDNA antibody. Clinica Chimica Acta. 2007;380: 182-185.
37. Koo JM, Kim YH, Hong HJ, Kim HI, Yoon SK, An WS, Lee SW, Chung WT. A Case of Recurred Retroperitoneal Fibrosis Treated by Combination Therapy of Steroids and Tamoxifen. The Korean Journal of Nephrology 2007; 26: 269-273.
38. Lee SW, Choi SM, Chang YS, Kim KT, Kim TH, Park HT, Park BS, Sohn YJ, Park SK, Cho SH, Chung WT, Yoo YH. A purified extract from Clematis mandshurica prevents staurosporin-induced downregulation of 14-3-3 and subsequent apoptosis on rat chondrocytes. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2007;111: 213-218.
39. Lee SE, Jo JH, Hong HJ, Kim KN, Yang DG, Lee SW (Corresponding author), Chung WT. A case of relapsing polychondritis associated with ankylosing spondylitis. Korean Journal of Medicine. 2007;72(5S):S354-S358.
40. Yoo HS, Jo JH, Lee SE, Lee JH, Lee CW, Lee SW, Chung WT. A case of Reiter`s syndrome that was treated with etanercept. Korean Journal of Medicine. 2007;73:S1085-S1089.
41. Kim KH, Lee SW, Chung WT. Association of Anti-cyclic Citrullinated Peptide (CCP) Antibodies and Functional Stauts in Rheumatoid Arthritis. The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association. 2006; 13(1): 46-51.
42. Seong SS, Park YB, Uhm WS, Lee JS, Ji JD, Lee SW, Bae SC. Multicenter Study in Efficacy and Safety of Celecoxib in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association. 2006; 13(3): 209-217.
43. Lee SW, Chung WT, Choi SM, Kim KT, Yoo KS, Yoo YH. Clematis mandshurica protected to apoptosis of rat chondrocytes. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2005;101: 294-298.
44. Kim MK, Lee HY, Park KS, Shin EH, Jo SH, Yun JH, Lee SW, Yoo YH, Lee YS, Baek SH, Bae YS. Lysophosphatidic acid stimulates cell proliferation in rat chondrocytes. Biochemical Phamarcology. 2005;70:1764-1771.
45. Rho YH, Choi SJ, Lee YH, Ji JD, Choi KM, Baik SH, Chung SH, Kim CG, Choe JY, Lee SW, Chung WT, Song GG. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients with gout: a multicenter study. J Korean Med Sci. 2005; 20:1029-33.
46. Park JC, Kim KT, Lee SW, Chung WT, Yoo YH. Ad-TRAIL Induces Apoptosis in Chondrocytes in Vitro and Neutralizing Antibody to TRAIL Prevents The Induction of Apoptosis in Vitro and in Vivo. The Korean Journal of Anatomy. 2005;38(1); 63-71.
47. Park SK, Kwon HC, Koh IY, Kim KH, Lee CM, Lee SW, Chung WT. A case of Systemic Sclerosis associated with Gastric Cancer. Korean Journal of Medicine. 2005;69(3):326-329.
48. Nam HK, Rha SH, Lee SG, Lee SW, An WS, Kim SE, Kim KH. A case of bronchiectasis-related secondary renal amyloidosis with proteinuria. Korean Journal of Medicine. 2005;69(3):S900-S905.
49. Chang HK, Lee SS, Bai HJ, Lee YW, Yoon BY, Lee CH, Lee YH, Song GG, Chung WT, Lee SW, Choi JY, Kim CG, Chang DK. Validation of the classification criteria commonly used in Korea and a modified set of preliminary criteria for Behcet disease: A multicenter study. Clinical Experimental Rheumatology. 2004; 22(suppl. 34): S21-S26.
50. Kim KH, Choi SW, Lee SH, Lee SW (Corresponding author), Chung WT, Kim DC, Yoon SK. A case of multicentric reticulohistiocytosis. Korean Journal of Medicine. 2004; 67(3):S850-S856.
51. Kwon BP, Won JJ, Lee EJ, Park EH, Lee SW, Park TH, Cha KS, Kim MH, Kim JS, Kim YD, Woo JS, Rho MS. A case of Hypertension due to Takayasu’s Arteritis with Bilateral Coronary Ostial Lesions and Aortic Regurgitation. The Journal of the Korean Society of Hypertension. 2004;10:42-47.
52. Lee SW, Lee HJ, Chung WT, Choi SM, Rhyu SH, Kim DK, Kim KT, Kim JY, Kim JM, Yoo YH. TRAIL induces apoptosis of chondrocytes and influences the pathogenesis of experimentally induced rat osteoarthritis. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 2004; 50(2):534-542.
53. Lee CJ, Choi SW, Mun SH, Huh JH, Kim KT, Won JJ, An WS, Yun SK, Hong SH, Lee SW (Corresponding author), Chung WT. Frequency due to bladder amyloidosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: two cases reports. The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association. 2004; 11(3):297-302.
54. Lee SW, Lee JH, Kim KH, Chung WT. Clinical Manifestations of Secondary Amyloidosis associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association. 2004; 11(4): 21-218.
55. Kim JU, Chang HK, Lee SS, Kim JW, Kim KT, Lee SW, Chung WT. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms in Behcet`s disease and rheumatic diseases with vasculitis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2003; 62(11):1083-1087.
56. Joung CI, Lee HS, Lee SW, Kim CG, Song YH, Jun JB, Chung WT, Choe JY, Kim TG, Yoo DH. Association between HLA-DR B1 and clinical features of Adult Onset Still`s Disease in Korea. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. 2003; 21:489-492.
57. Han SH, Sohn YJ, Park MA, Lee S, Ryu SH, Lim TH, Jung DS, Son YK, Roh MS, Park MK, Lee SW (Corresponding author), Chung WT. A case of cytomegalovirus pneumonia and retinitis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association. 2003; 10(4):341-346.
58. Lee CM, Lee SY, Ryu SH, Lee SW , Park KW, Chung WT. Systemic lupus erythematosus associated with familial moyamoya disease. The Journal of Internal Medicine. 2003; 18(4):207-210.
59. Sohn SH, Ryu SH, Kwon HC, Park MK, Lee SW (Corresponding author), Chung WT. A case of hypertrophic osteoarthropathy associated with nasopharyngeal carcinoma in a child. Journal of Korean Medical Science. 2003; 18(5):761-763.
60. Lee HJ, Kim HJ, Roh MS, Lee JI, Lee SW, Jung DS, Kim DK, Park MK. Prevention of diabetes using adenoviral mediated hepatocyte growth factor gene transfer in mice. Korean Journal of Physiological Pharmacology. 2003; 7:261-266.
61. Lee SY, Han J, An WS, Park MK, Lee SW (Corresponding author), Kim DK, Chung WT. A case of hypoparathyroidism and hypothyroidism in systemic sclerosis. Korean Journal of Medicine. 2003; 62(3):315-319.
62. Joo HR, An WS, Lee SW, Jung WT, Rha SH, Kim SE, Kim KH. A case of minimal change nephrotic syndrome associated with systemic lupus erythematosus. Korean Journal of Medicine. 2003; 65(2):251-256.
63. Kum DS, Hoon MC, Kim SH, Lee SW, Kwon HC, Kim JW, Kim HJ. A case of idiopathic eosinophilia -myalgia syndrome. Korean Journal of Medicine. 2003; 64(2):225-229.
64. Park BS, Baek SJ, Song KH, Kim KH, Jeong SJ, Jeong MH, Seo SY, Lee SW, Yoo KS, Yoo YH. Genistein-induced apoptosis of p815 mastocytoma cells is mediated by Bax and augmented by a proteasome inhibitor, lactacystin. Nutrition and Cancer. 2002; 42(2):248-255.
65. Choi HJ, Lim HS, Park KJ, Chung WT, Lee SW. Manometric investigation of anorectal dysfunction in patients with progressive systemic sclerosis. Korean Society of Coloproctology. 2002;18(2):83-88.
66. Lee SW, Oh KT, Chung WT, Bae SC. Health-related quality of life in Korean patients with osteoarthritis. The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association. 2002; 9(4):S73-S84.
67. Kim BH, Cha KW, Han J, Jung DY, Han SH, Lee SW, Kim MH, Kim YD, Woo JS, Kim JS. Asymptomatic cor triatriatum in an adult incidentally revealed by echocardiography. Korean Circulation Journal. 2002; 32(7):604-607.
68. Jung WT, Yun JH, Moon HK, Kim BH, Ryu SH, Lee CH, Kim KH, Kwon HC, Lee SW (Corresponding author), Chung WT. A case of chronic myelogenous leukemia associated with rheumatoid arthritis. The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association. 2002; 9(3):241-245.
69. Jang SJ, Lee HS, Suh BK, Park TH, Lee SW, Cha KS, Kim MH, Kim YD, Kim JS. A case of stent insertion into stenotic renal artery caused by takayasu`s arteritis. Korean Journal of Medicine. 2002; 62(4):453-456.
70. Yun JH, Ryu SH, Jung WT, Lee SW, An WS, Lee H, Son CH, Kim SE, Kim DG, Chung WT. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) levels in premenopausal women with systemic lupus erythematosus. The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association. 2002; 9(2):90-96.
71. Kim KH, Seo DY, Han JY, Kim JM, Lee SW, Chung WT. Clinical Significance of antinuclear antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis. The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association. 2001; 8(3):180-186.
72. Bang DS, Lee JH, Lee ES, Lee SN, Choi JS, Kim YK, Cho BK, Koh JK, Won YH, Kim NI, Park SK, Ahn HJ, Lee YW, Wang HY, Lee WW, Eun HC, Song ES, Lee SW, Lee CW, Lee CJ, Park JH, Song YW, Kim ST, Kim CY, Park JK, Kwon KS. Epidemiologic and clinical survey of Behcet`s Disease in Korea: the first multicenter study. Journal of Korean Medical science. 2001; 16(5):615-618.
73. Woo YS, Jang CR, Jeong SS, Keum DJ, Jang KY, Son CH, Lee SW, Chung WT. A case of polymyositis associated with scrub typhus. Korean Journal of Medicine. 2001; 61(3):298-301.
74. Ryu SH, Yun JH, Jung WT, Park EH, Kwon HC, Lee SW (Corresponding author), Chung WT. A case of cryoglobulinemic vasculitis developed in multiple myeloma. The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association. 2001; 8(3):203-207.
75. Chung WT, Lee SW (Corresponding author), Kim KH, Kim JM, Kim CG, Yoon WC, Ryu JK, Chang SG, Song YH, Choe JY, Jeon CH, Kim SG. Correlation between total anti-oxidant capacity and disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus. The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association. 2001; 8(3):153-159.
76. Keum DJ, Yang DK, Kim KJ, Jee SR, Yun CH, Lee SW, Chung WT. A case of periosteal new bone formation associated with behçet`s disease. The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association. 2000; 7(3):308-312.
77. Lee SW, Chung WT. Prevalence and clinical associations of the anti ribosomal P protein antibodies in SLE patients. The Journal of the Korean Rheumatism Association. 2000; 7(3):212-219.
78. Lee EN, Chung WT, Lee SW, Hwang EJ, Min HS. Effect of brisk walking and muscle strengthening exercise on bone mineral density of the lumbar and femur in rheumatoid arthritis women. The Korean Rheumatology Health Professionals society. 2000; 7(2):294-308.
79. Park HS, Lee SW (Corresponding author), Roh MH, Han SY, Choi SR, Shin WW, Jeong JS, Han JY. Clinical signigicance of serum hepatocyte growth factor in liver diseases. Korean Society of Gastroenterology. 1998; 32(4):492-499.
80. Cha KS, Park TH, Lee CJ, Jeong CY, Lee SW, Moon CH, Kim JH, Lee GC, Kim HK, Kim MH, Kim YD, Kim YD, Kim JS. Torsade de pointes in advanced atrioventricular block : A cause of syncope. The Korean Circulation Journal. 1998; 28(4):626-631.
81. Son YK, Keum DJ, Lee SW, Son CH, Chung WT. Clinical Features of palindromic rheumatism. The Dong-a Journal of Medicine. 1998; 10(2):229-234.
82. Park HR, Lee SW, Lee KM, Kim TK, Han JY, Son CH, Chung WT, Kim SE, Kim JS. Four cases of indigenous malaria by Plasmodium vivax. The Dong-a Journal of Medicine. 1997; 9(2):255-260.
83. Kim DS, Lee SW, Choi DH, Kim SH, Kim JH, Lee SW, Lee CJ, Kim BS, Kim MH, Kim JS. A case of familial primary pulmonary hypertension. The Korean Circulation Journal. 1997; 27(8):900-905.
84. Lee SW, Lee SH, Choi DH, Son YK, Cha KS, Son CH, Chung WT, Kim SE, Kim JS. A Case of Korean hemorrhagic fever with junctional rhythm. The Dong-A Journal of Medicine. 1997; 9(1):143-147.